What is the key to healthy eyes and sharp vision? A trusted optometrist at Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic provides four key insights into good vision care here.

1. Don’t Ignore Symptoms
Even if symptoms such as blurry vision and light sensitivity seem mild or short-lived, you should still tell your eye doctor about it. If you lose vision in one eye, even for a few moments, go to the emergency room right away. It could be a symptom of a transient ischemic attack, which is a serious problem that requires speedy treatment.
2. Your Doctor Needs to Know About Your Smoking Habits
Cigarettes make you susceptible to eye conditions like cataracts or macular degeneration. Fortunately, after quitting smoking, the risks for eye diseases become as low as that of individuals who have never smoked. When your eye doctor fully understands your lifestyle habits, they can better protect your vision from the risks that come with those conditions.
3. Understand Your Insurance
Vision benefits are usually separate from regular health insurance. Eye treatments, eye examinations and products like contact lenses may all be billed differently. To eliminate confusion, make sure you review your vision insurance plan before you arrive at the vision care center.
4. Ill-Fitting or Poorly Cleaned Lenses Can Cause Serious Issues
Make sure the fit of your contacts is evaluated regularly. Otherwise, they could scratch your eye and cloud your vision. Prevent eye infections like pink eye or keratitis by disinfecting your contact lenses according to your eye specialist’s instructions. Also, don’t forget to clean the case as bacteria can thrive in there as well.
Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic specializes in a range of optical care services, including comprehensive eye exams, dry eye treatment and orthokeratology. Schedule an appointment with us today! Call (425) 485-0430. You may also fill out our contact form. We serve patients in and around Bothell, WA.