Amblyopia, or more commonly referred to as lazy eye syndrome, is a condition where one eye has reduced visual acuity, even with optical care. It occurs when the brain suppresses information from the affected eye and affects three out of 100 children making it one of the most common eye conditions. But despite it being common, there are many misconceptions surrounding lazy eye. In today’s article, we try to debunk a few of the most widespread ones.

1. Lazy Eye Cannot Be Cured After a Certain Age
In the past, many doctors believed that lazy eye could not be treated after the age of eight. While treating amblyopia early on is the best way to combat it, new studies suggest that age is not really a factor when it comes to treatment. Today, many eye clinics treat adults affected with lazy eye.
2. Lazy Eye Is Cured Once 20/20 Vision Is Achieved
This is another common mistake even a well-trained optometrist can make. What you have to remember is that lazy eye is not an eye problem, but a brain problem. This means that even if you achieve perfect 20/20 vision, the affected eye may still not properly transmit or process visual information as effectively as the non-amblyopic eye.
3. Patching Is the Only Treatment Available
If you or your child is suffering from lazy eye syndrome, it is important to know that patching is not the only form of treatment. While patching is indeed the primary method of treating lazy eye, there are other methods available that can also be effective so be sure to speak to your doctor about all the treatments available.
Looking for an experienced eye doctor to help treat lazy eye syndrome? Then look no further than Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic. Give us a call at (425) 771-8472 or fill out our form to schedule an appointment today. We serve patients in Bothell, WA, and its surrounding communities.