If you’re undergoing treatment for astigmatism, your eye doctor may have prescribed toric contact lenses instead of standard spherical ones. In today’s post, Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic shares a quick guide on toric contact lenses.

What Are Toric Contact Lenses?
Most people are familiar with spherical contact lenses, which are equally round at all sides, like they’re cut from the side of a basketball. In contrast, toric contact lenses are somewhat elongated in shape. Instead of a spherical shape, they’re cut from the side of a torus, which is shaped like a doughnut.
This shape gives toric contact lenses a different set of refractive powers that make them suitable for correcting astigmatism, an eye problem that occurs when either the lens or cornea has an egg-shaped instead of round curvature, resulting in blurred vision at all distances. Astigmatism may also occur in combination with other refractive errors such as nearsightedness and farsightedness.
How Can You Tell If You Need Toric Contact Lenses?
A visit to an optometrist can determine whether or not you need toric contact lenses. If you use low-power contact lenses, chances are you might not need them; toric contacts are typically prescribed for those who wear contacts with 0.75 diopters and up. If you are buying disposable contacts, you can easily identify toric contact lenses as the packaging would list both spherical (SPH) and cylindrical (CYL) powers. Standard spherical contacts would only list SPH powers.
It’s important to note that you need a prescription to wear toric contact lenses. No two persons have the exact same kind of astigmatism, therefore each person may require contacts specifically crafted for them. Just as important is the fact that toric contacts are not suitable for all people, even those that have severe astigmatism. In fact, some people find eyeglasses or switching to spherical contacts a more accurate correction for astigmatism. When in doubt, schedule a consultation with your eye doctor.
Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic is your leading provider of optical care services. Give us a call at (425) 771-8472. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Bothell, WA, and the surrounding communities.