As you age, the lens inside your eye becomes less flexible. While this is a normal part of aging, you may need eyeglasses to make regular activities like reading easier. Multifocal lenses — such as bifocals, trifocals and progressives — contain two or more prescriptions for correcting vision at different distances, but wearing them can be a bit of a challenge if you’re new to them. An optometrist shares some tips to help your eyes adapt to multifocal lenses.

Wear Your Lenses All the Time
You need to wear your multifocal lenses all the time for your eyes to quickly adjust to them. If you wear your lenses continually, you will likely adjust to them within a week or two. If you would like to adjust more gradually, however, especially if you have never worn corrective glasses or lenses before, simply wear your bifocals or progressives when you need them.
Don’t Look Down Through Your Lenses While Walking
Gazing through the bottom part of your multifocal lenses while walking may make your feet appear out of focus. And since your lenses make objects seem larger, you may find that walking down the stairs is particularly challenging. If you really need to tilt your head down while walking, an optometrist recommends looking over the top of your multifocal lenses instead.
Make Sure Your Lenses Fit Your Face Properly
Without an accurate and snug fit, you will have a harder time adapting to your multifocal lenses, especially since your lenses blend multiple levels of magnification in the same pair. Choose an eye doctor who specializes in fitting lenses properly, which include taking into account the size of the frame along with the size and shape of your face.
You can count on Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic for top-quality eye care services, including specialty contact lenses, comprehensive eye exams, dry eye treatment and more. Get in touch with an optometrist by calling (425) 771-8472 (Lynnwood) or (425) 485-0430 (Bothell). You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve patients in Bothell, Lynnwood, Shoreline and nearby cities in WA.