Some people have experienced suddenly getting poor vision or even temporary blindness in one eye followed by a headache. Others complain that they frequently get blurred vision and a migraine at random times of the day. That said, two types of migraines can affect your vision: ocular and visual migraines.

Today, we discuss the key differences between these two types of migraine.
Ocular Migraine
An ocular migraine is caused by disrupted blood flow in the retina or behind your eyeball. The effects vary from person to person and range from partial vision loss to total blindness in one eye. Some people also see twinkling or sparkling lights while having a headache. These symptoms can last for about an hour, and vision will slowly return afterward. If you think you’re having an ocular migraine, close each eye, and determine which one is experiencing symptoms. Then, immediately consult an eye care professional as this eye condition can lead to more serious issues if left unchecked.
Visual Migraine
Visual migraines are a more common problem and less serious than ocular migraines. They are caused by sudden constrictions in the blood vessels in your eyes along with a headache. The effects differ from each individual, but they always affect both eyes. They usually last less than 30 minutes and include one or a combination of the following symptoms:
- A flickering blind spot in the middle of your visual field
- A blind spot that moves around your vision
- A zigzag ring of colored light circling a blind spot
Key Differences Between the Two Types of Migraines
The main differences between the two types of migraines are the severity of the effects, duration and the affected eyes. Visual migraines are less serious and shorter, and affect both eyes. Ocular migraines cause more significant visual problems, last longer and affect only one eye. Both are known to be accompanied by a painful headache, but they can cause vision problems without the pain as well.
Need help with your vision-related migraines? Our eye doctors at Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic can help you address your concern. We make sure that each patient receives quality eye care at fair rates. Schedule a consultation by calling us at (425) 771-8472 (Lynnwood) or (425) 485-0430 (Bothell). You can also fill out our contact form.