Should You Use Monthly or Daily Disposable Contact Lenses?

A growing number of people around the world are nearsighted. Your optometrist can prescribe glasses to help you with this problem. However, there are many individuals who would rather use contact lenses because of the freedom they offer. You don’t need frames to wear them and you can continue living your active lifestyle without your lenses being a hindrance.

If you’re ready to wear contact lenses, you can choose between daily and monthly contacts.

Daily Contact Lenses

Daily disposable lenses typically come in blister packs recommended by your eye doctor. You don’t have to store or clean these contacts. You wear them at the start of your day to correct your eyesight and at the end of your day, you simply take them out and dispose of them. The following day, you use a fresh pair of contacts. If you ever have to take your contacts out during your day, you have to dispose of them and open a fresh pack.

Monthly Contact Lenses

These are generally thicker and more durable. You can store and use them for a month, after which you can get a fresh pair from your optometrist. Monthly lenses are stored in a specific container with a solution. You have to disinfect and clean them to prevent protein buildup as well as eye infections. There are contact lenses that are only available as monthly lenses, such as multifocal lenses.

Apart from the information above, you can use other factors to determine which lenses are best for you.


Are you into contact sports? It’s probably safer to use daily disposables. You can also consider them if you live or work in an environment where cleaning and storing contacts is not easy or safe. Another factor to consider is if you’re fine carrying around your cleaning solution and storage container.

However, if you live in an environment where cleaning and storing your contacts is not a problem, monthlies are a good choice.


When you compute the total monthly cost of your contact lenses, there isn’t a significant difference between buying monthly and daily contacts. However, if you wear more than one pair of disposables every day, the cost may double, which means you can save money if you choose monthly contacts that you can simply clean and wear again.

You can talk to us at Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic about which contacts are best for your lifestyle. We can discuss your optical care at our clinic. Schedule a visit today. Call us at (425) 771-8472. We’re ready to help you in Bothell, WA.