You’ve probably heard about natural remedies for various diseases and conditions, from the common cold to arthritis. Recently, there has been a growing curiosity about whether common kitchen ingredients or simple lifestyle changes could offer a natural solution to cataracts. Continue reading to find out if these remedies work or not.
Can Cataracts Be Prevented?
Cataracts can significantly impact your vision and overall quality of life, but are they preventable? The resident eye doctor at Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic discusses the risk factors, healthy lifestyle choices, and medical interventions that can play a role in preventing the development of cataracts.
[Read more…]How Your Vision Changes With Age
As we age, it is natural for our vision to change. From childhood through adulthood, various factors contribute to how well we see and what types of eye problems can affect our sight. Discover some of the most common ways that vision changes with age and how you can protect your vision with the help of a great eye doctor in Bothell, WA.
[Read more…]Types of Cataracts and How They Are Diagnosed
Cataracts are a common eye condition that affects millions of people across the world. In fact, it is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 40, affecting approximately 25 million Americans. Trusted optical care providers Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic discuss the types of cataracts and how this condition is diagnosed.
[Read more…]3 Common Eye Problems That Are Linked To Excess UV Exposure
Ask any optometrist and they will tell you that too much UV exposure from the sun can have many negative effects on our eyes, and therefore, our vision. A day at the beach, walking your dog on a bright day, or laying out at the pool are all fun activities to do under the sun. Unfortunately, these daytime activities are also exposing your eyes to harmful UV rays.
[Read more…]How to Reduce Your Chances of Developing Cataracts
Cataracts affect as many as 24 million Americans aged 40 and older, with 50% of people over the age of 80 suffering from the condition. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed preventive action that can stop the development of this age-related disease. However, your eye doctor emphasizes that you can greatly minimize the chances of developing cataracts by making some important lifestyle changes.
Aging Eyes Part 1: Common Vision Problems
Changes in your visual capacity are normal as you grow older, with many eye conditions typically developing in middle age. At Alderwood Optical and Canyon Park Vision Clinic, we are committed to spreading awareness of these conditions. Read on as your trusted eye doctor discusses age-related vision problems as we celebrate Healthy Aging Month this September.