Exophoria is a common eye condition that affects individuals’ binocular vision, leading to one of the eyes drifting outward. This condition can pose significant challenges, particularly in tasks that require focused vision, such as reading or using a computer. At Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic in Lynnwood, WA, we see a diverse range of visual conditions, including exophoria, and are dedicated to providing our patients with the most effective treatments available.
Can Optometrists Help With Age-Related Macular Degeneration?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive condition affecting the central vision, which requires comprehensive care and attention. As we age, the risk of developing AMD increases, making regular eye check-ups crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role optometrists play in diagnosing and managing the condition to help you understand your options for preserving your and your loved one’s vision.
Dry Eyes: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Have you ever asked, “Why are my eyes so dry?” This can be more than just an occasional inconvenience; it’s a genuine health condition known as dry eye syndrome and is pretty common. You might feel a stinging or burning sensation or as if something is stuck in your eye. A trusted eye doctor helps you understand why dry eyes occur and how you can restore your comfort and vision health.
Bloodshot Eyes: When You Should See an Eye Doctor
Red eye is a condition where the sclera has become bloodshot. The redness may take the form of various squiggly pink or red lines or look diffusely red on the white of the eye. Sufferers may experience irritation, burning, itching, dryness and pain. This eye condition can also be associated with light sensitivity, watery eyes, blurry vision and discharge.