Regular eye examinations for children are paramount, with annual tests being particularly crucial. These yearly check-ups with your eye doctor extend beyond merely assessing vision; they play a pivotal role in safeguarding a child’s overall health and development. Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic shares compelling reasons why children should have their eyes tested annually.
Jobs That Can Put Your Eyes at Risk
Every day, almost 2,000 workers in the U.S. suffer from work-related eye injuries that need medical treatment. Many of these incidents involve serious trauma that causes irreversible eye damage or vision loss. That’s why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly encourages prioritizing eye safety in the workplace.
[Read more…]Progressive Lenses: Pros and Cons
Presbyopia is an eye condition that often occurs in one’s 40s. It’s when the eyes start to lose their ability to see objects up close. If you have it, your optometrist might recommend progressive eyeglasses. With this eyewear, you can see clearly at all distances.
[Read more…]How to Protect Your Vision as You Get Older
Vision changes are a normal part of aging. As you get older, you may need more light to read or find it hard to distinguish colors. Fortunately, prescription glasses or contact lenses can correct many age-related vision changes.
[Read more…]Eye Floaters and Flashes: Should You Worry About Them?
Many people see floaters and flashes in their field of vision. Floaters may look similar to cobwebs, specks, lines and dots. Meanwhile, flashes are like sparks of light or lightning streaks. While they aren’t usually a cause of concern, they can sometimes be a sign of a serious eye condition.
[Read more…]5 Common Health Issues Detected During Eye Exams
During a comprehensive eye exam, eye problems are not the only things your optometrist can detect. Specialists might also be able to catch signs of other health issues. It’s among the many reasons to see your eye doctor regularly.
[Read more…]Wearing the Wrong Prescription: Can It Harm Your Eyes?
Eyeglasses and contact lenses allow individuals with nearsightedness, farsightedness and other refractive errors to see clearly. You must see your eye doctor regularly to ensure you have the appropriate prescription eyewear. Even the slightest change in your vision can affect the effectiveness and comfort of your glasses or contacts.
[Read more…]3 Work Habits That Promote Eye Health
Eye health is essential for maintaining good vision. Following certain work habits can help keep your eyes healthy and make sure that any changes to your eyesight are detected and promptly addressed. Below are three work habits you can start implementing today that will promote better eye health at home or the workplace.
[Read more…]How To Prevent And Manage Dry Eye In Winter
Dry eye syndrome occurs when the eyes don’t produce enough or good quality tears. Insufficient lubrication can lead to irritation, redness and blurred vision. This eye problem is more common in older adults and during the colder months.
[Read more…]Can Astigmatism Worsen Over Time?
Astigmatism is a refractive error that can affect people of all ages. This common eye condition occurs when the eye cannot properly focus light, resulting in blurred vision. It can be mild or severe, and it can worsen over time if left untreated.
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